
※ 終了いたしました。当日の様子はこちら

総合案内/General Information

目的/Purpose: 様々な参加者に、オープンでアクセスしやすい研究に関する対話機会を提供する。/To foster dialogue between various participants on research ethics in an open and easily accessible way. 

日時/Date: 2023年 8月 29日 PM / 2023, August 29 PM 

場所/Place: 東京大学柏キャンパス環境棟1階ギャラリー/The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus, Environmental Studies Bldg., 1st Floor Gallery

日英同時開催/Japanese and English

対象/Target audience: 学部・修士課程・博士課程学生、教職員(※ 所属大学・研究分野を問わず、広く歓迎いたします!) / Undergraduate, Research, Master's, and Doctoral Students, Faculty and Staff (All students, faculty and staff are welcome regardless of affiliation or research field!) 

※見学のみ、対話参加のみも大歓迎です。開催時間中に自由にお越しください。/ Observing only, or participating in the discussion only are also welcomed. Please feel free to come during the workshop.


What is a 100 Person essay?


A 100 Person Essay is a collection of works from various people who gather to discuss an issue. In the case of this event, we would like to gather people from various disciplines to talk about their research and its relation to ethics. Each participant's research theme will be displayed in poster format, and an on-site exchange event will be held to provide an opportunity for dialogue and understanding between different fields.


※ 終了いたしました。ご参加ありがとうございました。

参加登録はこちら/ Registration Form (Click Here) 

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